Who am i?

Who am i?

I am Shanti, ambitious, brave, socially involved and a real ecovillage expert. Consciously dealing with people and the environment are core values ​​that have a connecting effect in our society and ecovillages set the right example in this regard.

10 years ago I visited the longest existing eco-villages: Damanhur (Italy), Findhorn (Scotland), Tamera (Portugal) and Auroville (India). Here I conducted research within the four dimensions of social, ecological, economic and cultural. I have collected video material of this and will use it in my new project; universal ecovillage's 2024-2025 content will be shared via social media.

Why PIT Nation?

Everyone is equal, we are one humanity! Working horizontally based on equality is a strong starting point for me. I want to inspire instead of correct by working towards a life-supporting community by inspiring with the eco-village idea.

Everyone has an authentic talent that can be used for the bigger picture, whether this applies to a group, a neighborhood or a country, everyone counts!